
Showing posts from November, 2017

Cheap Grace

About two weeks after the Lord saved me from my sins, my pastor confronted me one day and said,"You know, now that you're a Christian, you better clean up that mouth of yours." I was immediately convicted by this; by the grace of God, I was finished using foul language a few weeks afterward. This was one of my first tastes of the pure life that God desires for me to live. I see, however, many who profess to be Christians and still strongly sound the bell of worldliness. The Holy Spirit, of course, works at different speeds when it comes to sanctifying people, but there still is evidence...if indeed the Spirit does reside within a person. These people are not new to the faith, but rather proclaim to have a faith in Christ without any transformation. Such people have "cheapened" grace by simply wanting to escape the fires of hell and nothing more. Does God just save people to save them with also allowing them to live their lives as the world leads them?...

Thankful for the Lamb of God

In this season of Thanksgiving, there are many facets of life we ought to be thankful for: our family, friends, food, shelter, jobs, entertainment, and the breath in our lungs. The problem, though, is that all of those things can be lost in the blink of an eye. Those who are bought by the blood of Christ, however, have an inheritance kept for them in heaven that is "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading" (1 Pet. 1:4). Didn't Jesus tell us that His followers would experience tribulation and be hated by the world for His name's sake (Matt. 24:9)? Despite this, here are five truths from God's Word upon which we can meditate and be thankful. Jesus lived a life we could never live. God's standard is that of perfection which is summarized in following His Law perfectly (cf. Ex. 20). The problem we have is that "nobody's perfect" and so we all fall short of this standard (Rom. 3:23). Jesus Christ lived in perfect obedience to God for us in our stea...


Romans 10:21 "But of Israel he says, 'All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.'" The man whom God used as a vessel to bring me the gospel message was an automotive mechanic at a Tire Kingdom shop, where I too was an employee in my early adult years. He told me that God was patiently sitting at the edge of His seat holding out His hands to save my soul. This statement was very different from what I was taught in the past; it was as if God wanted a personal relationship with me or something. Why hadn't I ever heard of something like this before? You see, I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church where I was taught to say certain prayers, regularly attend Mass, pray the rosary, and attend confession/penance in order to maintain favor in God's sight (for more on this, visit ). In other words, I was taught that I had to do works  in order for God to bless...