Who, me?
It doesn't take much to find out who the worst sinner is in your life; just look in the mirror. Very quick, we are, to point the finger at others when we have often failed to see our own downfalls. Is that not what Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden after they sinned? Adam blamed God for giving him Eve, while Eve blamed the serpent who deceived her (Gen. 3:12-13). Sin showed itself to be very alive in the hearts of them both and neither one of them took responsibility and repented of their sins. Indeed, history repeats itself, from the first man and woman to be on Earth to the very present. The good news, however, is that Jesus Christ triumphed over the power of the evil one, in which believers in Christ can rest their hope and have courage to press on in the midst of a fallen world. To see our own sins for what they really are, however, is essential for any Christian to grow in his/her walk with God. In 1 Timothy 1:15, the apostle Paul writes, "The saying is trustworth...