Who, me?

It doesn't take much to find out who the worst sinner is in your life; just look in the mirror. Very quick, we are, to point the finger at others when we have often failed to see our own downfalls. Is that not what Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden after they sinned? Adam blamed God for giving him Eve, while Eve blamed the serpent who deceived her (Gen. 3:12-13). Sin showed itself to be very alive in the hearts of them both and neither one of them took responsibility and repented of their sins. Indeed, history repeats itself, from the first man and woman to be on Earth to the very present. The good news, however, is that Jesus Christ triumphed over the power of the evil one, in which believers in Christ can rest their hope and have courage to press on in the midst of a fallen world.

To see our own sins for what they really are, however, is essential for any Christian to grow in his/her walk with God. In 1 Timothy 1:15, the apostle Paul writes, "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." We need to agree with what God says about our sins and repent of them. This is what the apostle John meant when he wrote about confessing our sins (1 John 1:9).

Sanctification is surely not without its growing pains. We often find ourselves reacting to situations in a sinful manner that is anything but Christ-like. But thanks be to God that He enables us to reflect back on our sinful ways and nudges us to repent of our sin; it is a mercy from God for us to even be able to come before Him to confess and repent of our sins! Such an occurrence is evidence of a saving faith as God pours grace upon grace in our lives in order that we would further be conformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ (cf. Rom. 8:29). Spiritual warfare is very real, not only in the world that we live, but also within our own hearts; our flesh and spirit are constantly battling for the throne that is in our heart. Nonetheless, because of the sinless life and atoning death of Christ, we are given authority over the power of the evil one (Luke 10:19)  and can be assured that Jesus is sitting on the throne of our heart. We do this by living a life of repentance, of which unbelievers have no desire to do (unless God gets a hold of them), nor do the demons and yet they still believe in God (James 2:19).

Acknowledge that you are a sinner worthy only of hell. Agree with God that your sinfulness needs to be radically dealt with. Confess your sins to God and embrace the forgiveness that comes only from Christ who sets you free from sin's bondage. Repeat the last step every time sin comes your way. Experience refreshment, joy, and abundant life that comes when you choose Christ over your sin.

Use only what you see in the mirror as a reminder of your utmost dependence on the Redeemer of your soul.


  1. Amen Pastor Moose. Seeing my sin for what it really is... Yes Lord please reveal this truth to me. Thank you for your diligence and obedience to do what God has called you to do!!!


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