Delight in God

"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,     nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lordand on his law he meditates day and night." - Psalm 1:1-2

We live in a world where right is declared to be wrong and wrong is declared to be right. We live in a world that despises holiness and promotes haughtiness. We live in a world that shuns God as if ignoring Him would actually keep Him out of worldly affairs. As for the latest current events, we live in a world where instead of an investigation being done on an organization that sells the bodyparts of aborted infants, an investigation is rather being done on those who filmed the evidence to expose the criminal acts.

This saying is true: we live in a world that is filled with the spirit of error (cf. 1 John 4:6). Just as Christians ought to not take part with those that dwell in lawlessness, they are also to not go so far to the other extreme that they end up ruining their own Christian witness through sinful anger, frustration, and yes, sometimes violence. If Christ has paid for your sins, you belong to Him and are sealed by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13; 4:30). How long can a Christian stay satisfied in his/her relationship with God by remaining an infant in Christ and not become a mature believer?

Many Christians often find themselves surrounded by friends and family members who do not know Christ. Many of these Christians often fall into the false teachings of well-intentioned unbelievers that they don't know how to have fun because they're stuck with all of those "God rules." Surely, Christians can have fun; the word fun, however, needs to be redefined by the Bible's standard and not by that of the world. Christians ought not tell unbelievers to behave, as if morality would have any real benefit; they are to rather tell unbelievers to behold the majesty, holiness, and glory of Jesus Christ. Telling an unbeliever to act like a Christian is like telling a caterpillar to fly like a butterfly; these things only happen in accordance with God's timing and sovereign will in the transformation of the creature. Sadly, many Christians think they are the "sin police" and to try to force their beliefs on those who are less than willing to hear them.

If you are not surrounded by others that share your faith in God, then it is time that you find yourself some! It is not God's design for His children to not be supported by others who can lift them up with encouragement, godly advice, and prayer. This is not to say that you should never hang out with those who do not share your faith; just keep a sharp eye on yourself and not delight the desires of your flesh with the worldy pleasures of those who do not know Christ. Instead, delight in God and His commandments, while expressing to the lost the gospel of Christ in a verbal and practical manner.

"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" - 1 Corinthians 10:15


  1. Yes, we all need the "sanctifying influence" of sanctified people.


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