Guard Your Eyes and Ears

Ever wonder why tv shows, movies, music, video games, etc. are often rated for audiences labeled "Adult" or "Mature"? It is because they contain content such as nudity, foul language, sexual lust, and/or violence. Why would these things be appropriate for even an adult to watch? Of course, there is the kind of "adult" content which IS appropriate only for adults, for example, certain educational discussion and learning pertaining to the wonderful gift of sex for married couples (although children CAN and SHOULD learn some introductory details about this from parents and NOT from other kids at school). For adult Christians, it is usually safe to say that if what you're watching or listening to is not appropriate for the family as a whole, than it is not safe for you either.

The psalmist says, "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes" (Ps. 101:3). Throughout the Bible, God warns His people many times about protecting their hearts through protecting their eyes (Matt. 5:28; 6:22-23; Ps. 119:37; Job 31:1). In today's world, we are inundated with all sorts of images and teachings promoting sexual immorality, covetousness, and other evil desires. For the Christian singles (and those married), do no bow down to culture's expectations and patterns, allowing yourself to be compromised and defiled by the world and passions of the flesh. Guard your heart with God's Word (Ps. 119:9) and put to death the desires of the flesh (Col. 3:5). These things do not just magically happen on their own; it takes much prayer and CONSCIOUS EFFORT, with the Holy Spirit constantly enabling you to overcome personal sin your life (Phil. 2:12). Actively pursue personal holiness via keeping your eyes on Christ and daily repentance (1 John 1:9).

For married couples and parents (especially the men), protect your family. Lead them in God's truth through prayer, Bible study, and live out God's commandments as a testimony to your family of God's holiness. Shield them from the defiling patterns of the world and guide them into God's Word (Rom. 12:2). Of course, this can't be done perfectly, but it can be done purposefully as to help your family discern God's ways versus the ways of the world. Spend much time in prayer and lean on God's strength to empower you to carry out this tremendous duty. Nonetheless, do what you can to guard the hearts of those in your family through not only guarding their eyes and ears, but yours as well.

If what you watch or listen to is not appropriate for your children, then it is probably not appropriate for you either.


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